In its aftermath of destruction, the COVID-19 epidemic has ravaged the whole world. Beyond its immediate effects on our health, the pandemic has had a significant impact on many facets of our life, including our mental health. A growing mental health crisis has emerged as people and communities struggle with the problems caused by the infection and its related countermeasures. The extensive effects of COVID-19 on mental health are examined in this article, highlighting the psychological damage caused by the epidemic.
1.Heightened Anxiety and Fear:
Increased worry and dread: People's worry and dread have increased as a result of the ambiguity regarding COVID-19 and the ongoing barrage of upsetting news. The prevalence of anxiety disorders has greatly increased around the world as a result of worries about one's own health, the health of loved ones, and the financial effects of the epidemic. These mental health issues have been made more worse by the constant adjustment to new safety precautions and the fear of catching the virus.
2.Isolation and Loneliness:
Social Isolation and Loneliness: The use of lockdowns, social distance rules, and quarantine measures has led to a significant increase in social isolation and loneliness. The loss of social connections with friends, family, and other people has been detrimental to mental health. In particular, vulnerable groups including the elderly, those who live alone, and people with pre-existing mental health disorders are more likely to experience loneliness, sadness.
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